Sport Specific Training

Sport Specific Training at Explosion

Sports SpecificTraining is private skills training for a sport. This might be soccer, volleyball, football, basketball, golf, running, etc. The session is sport specific and designed to improve your sports skills. Training would include on ball work, skills work, as well as the possibility of sport specific strength/speed and agility.


Technical and Tactical Training

Technical and Tactical training is pivitol to every sport. Sports Specific Training for your sport will include skills training in the sport with included equipment.

Accessory Training

Sport Specific Training does not only include on ball and skills work. Sport Specific Training also includes strength and speed/agility as it relates to the sport.

Individual & Small Group Options Available

Sport Specific Training can be performed in a private one on one session, or a small group session. Regardless of the number of clients, the session is designed for each individual.

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